Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Will The MSM Cover Up The North Carolina Muslim Murders

There was a horrific attack on three Univ. of North Carolina students yesterday. All three who were murdered were Muslims and two of them were recently murdered.

The normal scenario about this would be that the MSM would send scads or reporters to the scene hoping the perpetrator was a conservative TEA Party guy. Once again, this was not to be.

The 'alleged killed, Craig Hicks, has quite a resume' as posted on his Facebook page. Is it me or when Facebook folks tell the world what they're all about this is sort of an indictment of past and future action?

Anyway, Hick's profile will do the Leftist causes a bucket full of crap.

"A review of the Facebook page of the man charged in these murders, Craig Hicks, shows a consistent theme of anti-religion and progressive causes. Included in his many Facebook “likes” are the Huffington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Bill Nye “The Science Guy,” Neil deGrasse Tyson, gay marriage groups, and a host of anti-conservative/Tea Party pages".

I feel bad for the people but the corners of my mouth swinging in an upward position will make my day somewhat more pleasant.

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