Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Now That You Mention It I think I will Purchase A Commode Wheelchair

Name me one person who doesn't like a compliment. Go ahead. I double dog dare you. Every so often, on this blog, I'll receive a comment from a reader. Very rarely are they negative in nature. I think that's because I usually know the person.

So, I was surprised to receive kudos from a reader for a column I wrote in March of 2012. The man in question found it on google and did what most people do when their curiosity is piqued; they scratch where it itches.

On one Sunday, three years ago, I put ideas to paper. Since I'm a creature of habit I can almost tell you what was happening that day. The Big 12 and Big 10 Championship games were about to take place. NCAA Selection Sunday was that night so I was filling time before the basketball matchups were about to occur.

Regardless, I wrote a column titled, 'Writin' Blogs, It Ain't Easy

Well, I received a complimentary note this morning from one Commode Wheelchair. He(or she) was oh so gracious I felt like calling Random House to see if they wanted to purchase a collection of my writings. As my granddaughter might say, "This is awesome".

There's more to the story than this. There has to be. Who gets the handle of Commode Wheelchair? Does this person give it to themselves or is it from the guys at Kelsey's Bar? Things aren't what they seem to be, are they? As far as I know the name might have developed from a college prank-or not.

Does the complimentary writer actually use a commode wheelchair? If so, what a concept. It'd be the world's greatest time saver. I want to get ahold of this guy and invest in a new invention. I can see the advertising campaign right now------"All you need is TP". We'd make a fortune. I love this man.

And, if he does use a commode wheelchair think of the confidence he has in himself to so easily announce his handicap to the world. This guy makes FDR look like a loser. Now that I think of it FDR was embarrassed to let this nation know he was handicapped so I need to come up with a better example because he, well, was sort of a loser.

So, thank you Commode Wheelchair. I can sleep well tonight knowing I brightened your day by actually making you think I know what I'm doing.

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