Saturday, November 8, 2014

Nancy Speaks And Nobody Listens

It didn't take long for Nancy Pelosi to make an appearance in front of a microphone. She's the Debbie Wasserman Schultz of the 'Check Out' generation. Ms. Pelosi called last Tuesday's election results a ripple, not a wave. "Whatever you say, Nancy".

Did you catch Harry Reid at yesterday's White House "Compromise" confab? He was a man of stone. He didn't move. His face was expressionless in his own special way; contorted in a constant scowl. In other words, he looked the way he always does.

It's my wish to be positive about Harry and Nancy. I'd like to personally thank them for their service to this great nation. When I have thoughts of these two Americans I have a smile on my face. Every day when they wake up they're one day closer to being dead. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

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