Thursday, April 17, 2014

Casual Marijuana Use: Is Anyone Surprised

You've heard the phrase, 'the cart before the horse'. How about, 'ready fire, aim". The expediency to promote marijuana use for medicinal purposes morphed into recreational use. Now states are succumbing to the recreational use aspect. Citizens of states cheered with joy at their new found freedom to purchase it, any time, any place, anywhere. Already, in Colorado, there have been disastrous and tragic results: a mother died when she ate the brownie laced snacks. A child died when daddy, while high, got in an auto accident. These are only two examples but two is enough and these heinous 'accidents of carelessness' will continue. Is it true that cartels from south of our borders(if we still have borders) have set up shop in Denver? There seems to be truthful evidence to give credence to this statement.(if you wish to believe it).
Northwestern University has presented a study showing the impact of recreational marijuana use on the brains of young people. I always wondered why cigarettes are bad for a person but inhaling the green leafy product isn't. Silly me. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Lawmakers will approve anything that brings $60 million into their coffers every year via taxes.

"Casual marijuana use may come with some not-so-casual side effects.
For the first time, researchers at Northwestern University have analyzed the relationship between casual use of marijuana and brain changes – and found that young adults who used cannabis just once or twice a week showed significant abnormalities in two important brain structures.
Northwestern University findings:
 The study’s findings, to be published Wednesday in the Journal of Neuroscience, are similar to those of past research linking chronic, long-term marijuana use with mental illness and changes in brain development.
Dr. Hans Breiter, co-senior study author, said he was inspired to look at the effects of casual marijuana use after previous work in his lab found that heavy cannabis use caused similar brain abnormalities to those seen in patients with schizophrenia".

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